Verduurzaam je vloer, dak en gevel met Isobooster isolatie.

Isobooster insulation

The perfect living environment for your home or workspace, in summer and winter!

Isobooster is an innovative, high-quality, multi-layer insulation foil, made up of multiple layers of aluminium foil alternated with air cushions. Its unique insulating effect is based on thermal reflection. Unlike the thick insulation materials that absorb heat, Isobooster reflects the heat and cold. It is a patented Dutch invention, produced in the EU.

You can use Isobooster anywhere: in new buildings or renovation projects, for the insulation of roofs, interior walls, cavity walls and floors.

Compared to standard insulation boards, Isobooster insulation is:

  • Better for the environment
  • An economical option
  • More effective and efficient in use

Our English website is currently under development. For info on our products and projects please contact us via e-mail or call 030 66 66 963.

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